
Caddy Book on Caddying

Caddying is, in our opinion, one of the best ways to experience tournament play, see a new course and watch more experienced players. Always offer to carry the bag. Exceptions include being too young, too old, too pregnant, etc. Beyond that it’s time to sack up. Literally. If you are feeling extra neighborly, offer to help keep score and spot drives. Only speak when spoken to. The last thing “the player” needs to worry about is you flapping your trap during an opponent’s putt or drive, so keep the chit chat light and in between holes and throws. Bringeth your own snacks and beverages. Help make sure “the player” gets something by offering occasionally from their own stores, most importantly...

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Make Disc Golf Great Again

We are just kidding, disc golf is awesome bro! But, is it just us, or has there been a lot of hurt butts waddling around the courses lately? As owners of (we hope) a respected and growing disc golf company in one of the nation’s hotbeds of disc golf, we have noticed some troubling shifts in our sport. We are admittedly a company who bases our decisions on getting more exposure for our brand and building our reputation to become the “friendliest company in disc golf.” Having said that, we still take this sport we all love seriously, just not in the way a lot of folks have been leaning. When we talk to people who are unfamiliar with disc...

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