It's been close to 9 years since we started this crazy thing that we call Wolf Pack Discs. We have seen so many companies, clubs and teams start up since then, and many have really crushed it. If you are thinking about expanding your current adventure or starting a new one maybe this blog will give you some advice.
My name is Jamie Kiep and I am 28 years old. I am married to my beautiful wife Bethany, we have four beautiful children and I live in Albany, Georgia. I started playing disc gold three and a half years ago and my current rating is 995 (PDGA #68815.) I have studied the game very hard since then and have picked the game up very quickly.
Caddying is, in our opinion, one of the best ways to experience tournament play, see a new course and watch more experienced players. Always offer to carry the bag. Exceptions include being too young, too old, too pregnant, etc. Beyond that it’s time to sack up. Literally. If you are feeling extra neighborly, offer to help keep score and spot drives. Only speak when spoken to. The last thing “the player” needs to worry about is you flapping your trap during an opponent’s putt or drive, so keep the chit chat light and in between holes and throws. Bringeth your own snacks and beverages. Help make sure “the player” gets something by offering occasionally from their own stores, most importantly...
Since our meager beginnings, we could only daydream about Wolf Pack Discs growing to a size that we would be able to create a website. We are beyond ecstatic to be able to easily offer our gear and discs to the our fans across the United States! This is a first step towards many larger things that the future has in store for Wolf Pack Discs as we continue to grow our company and team. With this new website, not only are we able to easily sell our products, but we are able to highlight our WPD team members as well. These excellent people help spread the word of Wolf Pack Discs by being role models through their skills and passion for...